A couple of new poems that I submitted to the Australian Writer's Center competition today. They had to be based on the image you see - hence the post title! Oh and they had to be no more than 23 words. . .
I stand looking out to the horizon
Feeling that tingle of excitement and fear mixed together My skin is electric like the air around me Senses on edge Watching, waiting for something to happen Clouds gather and blue sky becomes grey Grey becomes black Almost like the sun has been swallowed The wind strengthens and whips my hair around my face I hug myself, arms wrapped around my chest The sea starts to swell, waves begin to crash on the shore The water is green - a beautiful, deep green like an emerald The wind is hungry and flies around my body, lashing my clothes Greedily trying to make them take flight I hear the rumble At first soft, then louder, louder until BOOM! CRASH! Thunder explodes breaking open the sky Like an axe splitting a log FLASH! ZING! Across the clouds Rippling, illuminating. Lighting crackles My whole body feels totally alive Every pore, every sense awake, aware I stand still, not wanting to break the spell Not afraid but . . . transfixed, mesmerized. The first PLOP of a fat rain drop on my hand A few and then many My skin massaged by a thousand tiny fingers It’s only then that I run to the shelter One by one the raindrops stop Thunder quiets down It's done, spent - the energy gone Black becomes grey becomes white The sun peeks out from behind the clouds Framing them in yellow and orange hues I feel the soothing caress of the returning warmth The sky returns to a soft blue Accompanied by a brilliant arch of colour The storm is done. The Storm © Kerry Gittins 2020. All Rights Reserved. |
October 2023