They're back! Kaitlyn Sanchez and Lydia Lukidis are back with another Fall Writing Frenzy competition for 2021. To enter, you need to go to Lydia's Wordpress site, choose an image, write your 200 word story to go with your chosen image, and follow the instructions to submit between October 1 and October 3, 2021 11:59 EST. It's loads of fun and a great way to hone your writing skills and make every word count.
Here's my story for this year. Don't forget to support each other by reading and liking as many of the entries as you can. Good luck everyone!
Green Devil, Pumpkin Bat, Skeleton Jack, and Buzz got dressed in their new outfits before heading out the door for trick or treat. ‘These are great! No-one will ever recognize us. Super sewing Buzz!’ announced Skeleton Jack. Buzz grinned. They all nodded in agreement. ‘Those evil, candy stealing witches won’t know a thing,’ he said, as the four heroes admired themselves in the mirror. Green Devil’s sister, Little Red, rolled her eyes as she motioned for them to hurry up. They quickly closed the door and started going from house to house yelling ‘Trick or treat!’, watching as they did so, for anything or anyone suspicious. On their way to the last house, someone screamed excitedly, ‘Ooo look! It’s the Fearless Five!’ Little Red wasn’t fooled, but the other four turned quickly and posed as the camera flash went off. ‘Mwha haha. Thanks boys,’ cackled a sneaky witch, as she quickly scooped up their baskets full of candy and zoomed away. ‘Drats!’ mumbled the four in unison, blinking away the bright light and kicking the pavement. ‘You guys never learn,’ sighed Little Red. ‘Guess we’ll have to share mine again. C’mon. Let’s go home.’ The Fearless Five: Halloween Superheroes © Kerry Gittins 2021. All Rights Reserved.
The Red Bridge
I know you’re here. I caught a glimpse of you before I looked down to check my step, making sure I didn’t trip on the time worn cobblestones beneath the entrance arch. Those eyes that always held a hint of mischief. That open, knowing smile. Every year in the month of ghosts, we’d journey to the Jade Mountain Temple at the end of the red bridge to celebrate your beloved grandparents, to make sure their spirits wouldn’t feel alone. Now it’s just me who comes, to make sure you don’t feel alone. I cross the gently curving bridge and enter the temple. The loss I feel is still raw, but lessens as I place my incense beside the other glowing red shards in the brass bowl, that sits atop legs shaped like dragons. I feel cocooned and peaceful, surrounded by the familiar low hum of others chanting and giving thanks to ancestors. As I kneel I feel your breath on my neck, hear your voice as it gently whispers, ‘It’s time now.’ I see your smile again and know you will be with me, always. The Red Bridge © Kerry Gittins 2021. All Rights Reserved. |
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